New Work Adventure
The career course that will help you achieve your goals

Overcome the blocks on the way to your dream job
Your Hero's Journey:
What is your path?

Content and what you learn:
Deep Dive: What defines good coaching?
Article: Fire your inner impostors!
Careertest: 40 questions to the Careerhero Typology
Exercise 1: Why are you here?
Exercise 2: Your inner dialogue

Content and what you learn:
Deep Dive: The careerhero typology explained
Article: Inspiration with Heroes and Heroines
Test results: your 16 values for classification
Exercise 1: Your careerhero
Exercise 2: The Filofax of wishes

Content and what you learn:
Deep Dive: from the fall from grace of one's own career
Article: Guess what: famous personalities and their test results
Exercise 1: Your temptations
Exercise 2: Defeat your end boss
Exercise 3: Master of two worlds I
Exercise 4: Master of two worlds II

Content and what you learn:
Deep Dive: Future Model You
Artikel: Your New Work Heroes Story
Exercise 1: Discover your future
Exercise 2: Your careerhero journey
New Work Adventure Karrierekurs
30,00 €
Mit dem New Work Adventure kaufst du einen viermonatigen Karrierekurs. Jeder Monat hält in sich geschlossene Themen bereit, die aber wiederum gemeinsam als eine große Reise konzipiert sind. Nach vier Monaten erschließen sich dir so unsere jahrelange Workshoperfahrung.
Mit diesem Abo erhältst du den Zugang zu einem viermonatigem Karrierekurs: dem New Work Adventure. Jeden Monat, den du den Beitrag zahlst, kannst du auf neue freigeschaltete Übungen, den Karrieretest, Aufgaben und natürlich den Online-Videos zugreifen. Auch nach den vier Monaten bleiben die Inhalte für dich verfügbar. Die Aufgaben werden detailliert in Beiträgen erklärt. Diese kannst du dir als PDF downloaden und für dich und deine Karriereschritte immer wieder hervorholen. Wenn du deine Mitgliedschaft zum Monatsende kündigst, bleiben dir alle bis dahin freigeschalteten Inhalte erhalten. Künftige Beiträge kannst du leider nicht mehr sehen.
Additional information
TEIL 1: ABYSSOS | Der Beginn. Wir starten mit deinen Zweifeln und Bedenken. Wo stehst du derzeit? Was hält dich auf? Das Finale ist die Beantwortung des großen, ungekürzten Karrieretests. Inhalte und was du lernst: |
TEIL 2: METAMORPHOSE | Die Verwandlung. Deine Testergebnisse liegen vor. Die Entdeckung deiner Karrierekräfte steht an und du erhältst überraschende Einblicke in deine Fähigkeiten. Was hält dich auf? Was treibt dein Innerstes an? Inhalte und was du lernst: |
TEIL 3: AGON | Der innere Kampf. Welche Kämpfe führst du? Welche Dialoge halten dich ab Großartiges zu tun? Dein innerer Endgegner steht dir im Weg und wir machen ihn gemeinsam unschädlich. Der Weg nach vorne wird frei. Inhalte und was du lernst: |
TEIL 4: LYSIS | Das Ziel. Es ist soweit, die Lösung ist in Sicht. Das Ziel wird erreicht. Mit kraftvollen Werkzeugen im Gepäck und einem klaren Ziel vor Augen, verlässt du das New Work Adventure. Inhalte und was du lernst: |
How exactly does the four-month membership work?
Every month that you pay the fee, you can access new unlocked exercises, the career test, assignments and of course the online videos. Even after the four months, the content remains available to you.
The tasks are explained in detail in articles. You can download these as PDFs and pull them out again and again for you and your career steps.
If you cancel your membership at the end of the month, you will keep all the content you have unlocked up to that point. You will not be able to see future posts. Since all of our content builds on each other, our New Work Heroes Adventure always starts at the first welcome post - even if you rejoin.
Can the four months be done individually?
Each month holds self-contained themes, but again, they are designed together as one big journey. After four months, our years of workshop experience, simply more content and exercises will open up to you. Sometimes, in the third month, it "clicks in your head" and you are able to categorize the task from week 2 much better. And what's more: looking back on four months of continuous work on their own career steps makes our New Work Heroes really proud.
Where can I get access to the content?
- After the purchase you will receive a confirmation of your membership
- After that you assign a password and username in the member area, so that you can always access the content in a protected way.
- Under this link you will see all the content that will be unlocked to you step by step. With each month there are more exercises and contributions.
- By clicking on the posts you can read the exercises, print them, watch videos and gather your very own insights.
Will I lose the content after the subscription expires?
No, all content will still be available to you after the New Work Adventure expires.
What should I look for in online coaching?
We have thought of almost everything: video material, reminders by mail, a clear course structure, clear goals and articles available from anywhere in the world. And for those who still appreciate a good book, we'll also be bringing out our New Work Journal later. This saves us time and you money, which you can spend on your business or further education. It doesn't get more independent and flexible than this. Online coaching has been happening for years in many areas, making life easier for coaches and coachees. Entire courses of study and even therapy sessions can now be conducted online.
If you still have questions that you would like us to answer personally and together, there is also the possibility of individual coaching. The New Work Heroes have also come up with a great idea for this.
Is there personal coaching via phone call/video conference?
No, but you can always book a personal coaching session. As a member of the New Work Adventure, you will receive 20 minutes of free coaching and a 20% discount on a full coaching session.
What if I have questions/problems about each step?
Feel free to email us anytime at We will help you.
Can I do the content again, like the careerhero test and exercises?
Of course. You can repeat the career test at any time and also do the exercises multiple times. It's actually quite exciting and can show you an evolution in your beliefs and personality that wasn't so clear to you before. Thumbs up!