Your CarrierHero Typology
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The four careerhero families
The central part of the careerhero typology is the four careerhero families. They represent the values and archetypal basic patterns and give shape to the career heroines. The following structure underlies the following explanations:
- Description: What distinguishes the careerhero families?
- Kryptonite: The weakening substance known from the stories of the first comic book hero Superman represents the flip side of the hero families and work dimensions.
- Hashtags: These metadata, familiar from social networks, sum up the characteristics of the career heroines.
- Affirmations: These are some of the statements from the Careerhero Typology test. They underscore the descriptions of the four hero families and working dimensions of the career hero typology.

Here you'll find entrepreneurs who lead large businesses with a large body of employees as well as solopreneurs working on their own individual projects. For him*she, the freedom to lead one's own ideas to success is the highest good. If things don't work out, they simply develop new business models, create new pitchdecks for other start-ups and launch new projects.
#specialization #expertise-acknowledgement #makerspirit #creativity #mastership
"I'm not interested in a job that limits my freedom and independence. "
„I'm really, truly happy with what I do when I've created something based on my own ideas and initiative.“
Career heroes have their strengths as well as their weaknesses, it’s their Kryptonite. Entrepreneurs don’t want to dwell endlesslely on details, the success of their projects is more important to them. They need a free hand and room to manoeuvre. Nothing puts entrepreneurs off more than long rounds of voting, the persistence of doing nothing and the inability to implement one’s own ideas. If their idea volcano does not have a clear path, dangerous eruptions occur.

These are Makers
Whether a freelancer working project-by-project, a master craftsperson, or an engineer in the plant of a mid-sized business or large corporation: apply, make, and create are bywords in the world of the maker. This is also what they are striving for. For them, being committed to their own knowledge and skills means constantly surpassing themselves and exceeding their own standards in terms of creativity and customisation.
#specialization #expertise-acknowledgement #makerspirit #creativity #mastership
„Bringing my skills, my abilities and my expertise to the highest possible level is my idea of professional success.“
"It is especially important to me to be so good at what I do that my professional advice and skills are always in demand."
Makera want to work and grow independently in their field of activity, but not necessarily supervise others. To do this, they need a free hand and the design freedom of spaces such as studios, workshops, laboratories or production halls. Nothing is more off-putting than long rounds of voting and the restriction of funds to develop their projects.

These are Makertypes
Fighters may assert themselves as consultants for complex projects or face the great challenges associated with life as a professional athlete or artist. They are the ultimate problem-solving machines and end-boss conquerors: No task is too difficult for them. Fighters seek competition, challenges and really hard nuts that need cracking. Their perseverance and stamina are outstanding and are used in difficult project environments, in the struggle with corporate politics or even with highly complex excel spreadsheets.
#perseverance #endboss-defeat #winner-mentality
#problem-solving #ultimative-challenge
"It is important to me to face and work with situations and problems that present real challenges."
"Mastering challenges that seem unsolvable to others is professional success for me."
What weakens the fighters? Interestingly, this becomes apparent when they get bored and no new challenges entice them. Then fighters often feel out of place or even superfluous. It is also bad if the competition or problem solving is not taken seriously by other team members in the project or even by friends and family.
These are Helpers
World peace, healing, global change - these are values that helpers want to work for. It doesn't matter if they are supporting large organizations that operate globally or making a difference on a small scale for their colleagues and their area of responsibility. The motivation to help is equally strong everywhere. The career heroines in this category found non-profit organizations, are activists or work for good causes. Being a helper means serving a cause and devoting oneself to an ideal. Helper types value influence and the power to change more highly than their own needs.
#influence #purpose #change #change #values
"I wish to have an activity where I can make a real contribution to humanity, to the world."
"I will only be successful if I can change something in society, in humanity, in the world through my activity."
What weakens the helpers? They are bothered when they don’t have enough influence to effect real change. In addition, a lack of recognition of their support services weakens them enormously. Stagnation of the status quo gets in the way of the drive for change.
The four dimensions of work
The four career hero families are the basis for the career hero typology and provide a clear direction. But only the question of how the heroes of the new world of work actually want to work makes the observation complete. The four dimensions of work are ultimately dependent either on employment contracts with employees or on orders from clients. Even the most creative, self-created professions need some form of energy compensation through money for work done. For example, an Internet activist who develops campaigns in the form of online petitions could earn her living with the help of her supporters, for example, by crowdfunding for the preservation of her work. A gamer, on the other hand, who shares his skills, tips and tricks with an audience of millions on YouTube, lives off the platform’s advertising revenue through regular payouts. No matter what: In the end, there is always a person with a tax number who pays tax on their income. Only the way of performing the activity differs.

Leadership activities
A manager has the task of leading people, coaching them and thereby promoting their development. Above all, managers also want to use their leadership skills to the best of their ability. The icon for the work dimension "Activities in leadership" shows a crown to clearly indicate the position of a leader. This does not mean that every manager and every head of department insists on wearing a crown. The signs, or "crowns," of the leadership are more subtle: the black 1st-class Bahncard 100, exclusive invitations to certain social circles, or the financial freedom to commit rural escapes and enjoy leisure time with friends and family in a converted farm away from the noise of the big city. They make an impact by helping teams find their peak form, resolve conflicts and make the right decisions.
#influence #decision making #leadership #integrity #resilience
"I am really, really happy with what I do when I lead others to be successful through my decisions and experience."
"I dream of being a leader of/my company and having as much responsibility and decision-making power as possible."
Leaders need the strength to fill their integrity to their employees* and loyalty to their own superiors, their investors* and partners*. If this is violated or put to the test too hard, it fades. However, it is often difficult and rather unpopular decisions that rob executives of sleep. Struggling over one’s own judgment can be as debilitating as insecurities about one’s self-efficacy and a lack of support from one’s team of leaders.

Self Employement
Independent activities
Those who work independently want the freedom to make their own decisions. Self-employed makers, i.e. freelancers, for example, go from project to project, from one assignment to the next. It is the self-determined way of working that people find so enticing about self-employment, so that they are willing to accept cuts in the areas of security and predictability in return. Being free as a bird is the image here. Thus, the feather is also the icon for independent activities.
#perseverance #assertiveness #love of freedom #self-management #project work
"I'm really happy with what I do when I'm independent of others' schedules, directives and ways of working."
"For me, working freely according to the ideas and rhythm that are good for me is more important than a secure position in a company."
Being free, in the sense of having the freedom to spend time and choose projects, is often the highest good for the self-employed. Anything that threatens this right, built up through acquisition, perseverance and many a time deprivation, has a weakening effect and is not accepted. Constant control and constricting hierarchies are only tolerable for self-employed people for a limited period of time and in exchange for good pay. These framework conditions, which are perceived as disadvantages, can be too much of a reminder to the self-employed career heroines of the reasons why they became self-employed.

Permanent position
Permanent full-time employment
Those seeking permanent employment need the security of a regular income. But it's not just about safety, it's also about clear and structured ways of working, as well as the opportunity to work on large projects - such as in aircraft construction or for specific goals at NGOs. There are no freelance aircraft builders - and engineers in particular, who love to work on machines worth millions in large factory halls, are looking for permanent employment. Permanent employees need a professional home, a place where they can arrive and fly their flag. The image of the flag is thus also the descriptive icon for activities in permanent employment.
#assurance #continuity #teamwork #love-of-structure #predictability
„I need financial and professional security in order to support my personal and professional development."
„I won't take a job that endangers my job security.“
The desire for security and predictability of work processes is strong among permanent career heroines. This involves knowing that one’s skills are needed and that the job will still be there tomorrow. Project environments that are particularly fluid and unpredictable weaken permanent employees too much for them to unleash their career hero powers. Permanent employees will rarely if ever make risky decisions that could jeopardize their own position in the company.

Part-time employment
Those who choose to work part-time want to focus on other activities besides earning money. Whether it is due to the family situation, because father or mother would like to spend more time with their offspring, or perhaps because there is an ill family member to care for - the reasons are often very different. The compatibility stopwatch is thus also the corresponding icon. Part-time means having more time to do other things besides work, but it also means that you don't care as much about the possible financial cuts.
#efficiency #time-management #compatibility #flexibility #private-life
„For me, professional success means a balance between my personal needs, my family/private life, and my work life.“ / „I'm always looking for jobs that have the least possible negative impact on my private life and personal interests.“
Career heroes who work part-time do not want to live to work, but to work and live a lot. Anything that restricts this self-chosen right weakens the part-time heroes. Since part-time work has a lot to do with coordination skills and time management, there is a kryptonite exclusive to this dimension of work that resonates almost constantly: the permanent reminder that other colleagues and especially superiors would like to have more time from you. The compatibility stopwatch is therefore constantly ticking for people working part-time.
The 16 careerhero types
These were the four working dimensions. The next step is basically simple: all four career hero types can be active in all working dimensions. An entrepreneur who aspires to a leadership position is a startup founder. But if an entrepreneur needs more freedom and prefers to start up for himself, the solopreneur comes out of it. There are likewise the founder types who build up a business part-time as a sidepreneur. Last but not least, there are also the intrapreneurs who need the security of a permanent position and build up their own projects within companies.
As a tip, open the results page in another tab and arrange it next to the following explanations for a better overview.

Startup founders aspire to create their own companies. These types of entrepreneurs are concerned with both building their own startups and maximizing the success and growth of their teams, their employees.
„I dream about becoming the head of a/my own company, taking on the highest possible level of responsibility and accountability for decision-making.“
„For me, working on my own projects in my own business is more important than anything else.“
Startup founders don’t want to limit themselves to individual activities; the success of their companies is more important to them. They struggle with the pain of difficult decisions, uncertainty, interpersonal conflict, and high levels of responsibility.

Solopreneurs start their own business ideas without a large superstructure and cost apparatus - such as shareholder agreements in a limited liability company. Solopreneurs are "Lonely Wolves", so to speak, and are solely committed to their entrepreneurial creativity.
"I'm not interested in a job that limits my freedom and independence. "
„In doing so, I want to go my own way, be free and independent in any case!“
A permanent job is out of the question for solopreneurs and is painfully perceived as a gilded cage. Performance is the measure of things, but the current projects must be as successful as possible in the process – otherwise solopreneurs will simply start the next ones.

Intrapreneurs are the entrepreneurs inside of companies. Their strong entrepreneurial creativity sets Their strong entrepreneurial creativity sets them apart. Intrapreneurs seek the security of permanent employment.
„I'm always looking for fresh ideas, new inspirations and great people for new projects with potential for growth."
„I need financial and professional security in order to support my personal and professional development."
Intrapreneurs want to initiate their own projects in companies and lead them to success. Performance is more important to them than specialization in individual activities. Nevertheless, overly insecure working conditions are not desired.

Sidepreneurs aspire to start their own projects or businesses. But in doing so, they don't want to sacrifice time with family and personal life for professional pursuits. A balance between work and private life is therefore very important to the sidepreneur.
"I'm not interested in a job that limits my freedom and independence. "
„For me, professional success means a balance between my personal needs, my family/private life, and my work life."
Sidepreneurs do not want to limit themselves to activities that are too small-scale; the successes of their own projects are more important to them. Sidepreneurs struggle with constantly organizing schedules. They want to live and work, not live to work. The lack of work-life balance is not acceptable to sidepreneurs.

Master maker
Master maker are out in the corporate sphere looking for large machine parks, powerful server farms, the perfect workshop or the perfect lab. At the same time, Master Makers want to set up their own departments and manage employees - that's their world.
„For me, it's especially important to be so good at what I do that people continually ask for my expert advice and skills.“
„I need financial and professional security in order to support my personal and professional development."
Master Makers want to work autonomously in their field of work and develop themselves and the workpieces, projects and ideas they are working on. They struggle with the pain of difficult decisions, uncertainty, interpersonal conflict, and high levels of responsibility. The restriction of means for development and the loss of influence and position is fatal for this type of career hero.

Freelancers work for their own account and only stay in a company for a limited period of time or for a project. As lone workers, freelancers also enjoy working with coworkers in temporary teams for various clients. The main thing is that they remain free and self-determined.
„Bringing my skills, my abilities and my expertise to the highest possible level is my idea of professional success.“
„Being able to work according to my own rules and the rhythm that does me good is more important to me than a secure, full-time position.”
Working autonomously is the most important thing for freelancers. They do not want to lead, but to develop. Freelancers painfully perceive a permanent position as a gilded cage. They are concerned with how good they are at what they do and how far they can develop along their abilities.

Makers are on the move within the sphere of influence of companies. They are looking for large machine parks, powerful server farms, the perfect workshop or the perfect laboratory. Professional excellence is particularly important to Makers.
„For me, it's especially important to be so good at what I do that people continually ask for my expert advice and skills.“
„I need financial and professional security in order to support my personal and professional development.“
Makers want to work autonomously in their field of work and develop themselves and the workpieces, projects and ideas they are working on. They tend not to want to manage employees. Changing work environments, unsafe working conditions, and the restriction of funds for development are poison for Makers.

Part-time Makers
Parttime Makers are on the move within the sphere of influence of companies. They are looking for large machine parks, powerful server farms, the perfect workshop or the perfect laboratory. In short: working environments in which they can develop their skills. Top professional performance is particularly important to them.
„Work aimed only at achieving status, reputation and profit rather than focusing on the things being produced or developed is not attractive to me.“
„I dream of transforming my hobby into a paying job without my personal needs or my family life suffering as a result of my professional obligations.“
Part-time Makers want to work autonomously in their area of responsibility. Restricting funds for development is fatal for them. They want to live and work, not live to work. The lack of work-life balance is unacceptable to part-time makers.

Fightercoaches are looking for competition, challenges and the really tough nuts to crack. They want to set up their own departments, manage employees and make a career for themselves.
„I'd like to be sought after as a result of my courage and my ability to master difficult situations rather than because of my status or title.“
„Running a business, working in a key position, or acting as head of a company is more important than focusing on individual projects or developing my own skills.“
What’s bad is when it gets boring and no new challenges attract them. It is also bad when competition and problem solving are not taken seriously. Fighter coaches struggle with the pain of difficult decisions, uncertainty, interpersonal conflict, and high levels of responsibility.

Independent consultants
Independent consultants accept the challenge of solving even particularly difficult problem areas. In doing so, they want to work freely and in ever-changing environments with new challenges.
„Mastering challenges that others find unsolvable is my idea of professional success.“
„I'd like to be free to determine my own work hours and decide where I do my work.“
What’s bad is when it gets boring and no new challenges attract them. It is also bad when competition and problem solving are not taken seriously. The permanent position is a gilded cage for independent consultants; they want to see more than just the same walls all the time.

Contract Fighters
Contract fighters seek competition, challenges and really hard nuts that need cracking. However, they also seek the security of a permanent position, whether because of private or family situation or because they want to develop further within the framework of a position.
"I'd like to be in demand as a result of my courage and my ability to master difficult situations rather than because of my status or title."
„I need financial and professional security in order to support my personal and professional development.“
What’s bad is when it gets boring and no new challenges attract them. It is also bad when competition and problem solving are not taken seriously. Contract fighters do not want to have constantly changing work environments and unsafe working conditions.

Breakout artists seek challenges outside of the 9-to-5 world of office work, for example, adventures in other lands or completely different fields of work. They're looking for the perfect combination of hobby and occupation.
"For me, it's important to take on situations and problems that represent a real challenge and work on these."
"I won't take on a job that hinders me from taking care of my private needs and my family."
Breakout Artists are not concerned with purely monetary rewards. They want to change themselves and their lives. What is bad is the lack of recognition of the exit by their environment. They want to live and work a little, not live to work.

Socialpreneurs aspire to ethically higher goals and believe in the power of change. World peace, healing, and global transformation—those are goals to which socialpreneurs will commit themselves. In doing that, they want to be on the cutting edge and to make sure of their capacity for leadership. Building up their own departments or organizations associated with these goals—that's the world of the socialpreneurs.
"I'd like to work at something that would make the world a better place and give me a chance to help people."
"I'm really, truly happy with what I do when my decisions and my experience contribute to the success of others."
Not having sufficient influence to effect change bothers socialpreneurs. Lack of acknowledgment for the support they contribute weakens them. Socialpreneurs don’t want to focus on their own specialization: The success of their team or their organization is more important. They struggle with the pain of difficult decisions, uncertainty, interpersonal conflict, and high levels of responsibility.

Activists aspire to ethically higher goals and believe in the power of change. World peace, healing, and global transformation—those are goals to which activists will dedicate themselves. Interested in developing their own projects, they want to employ their motivation and power in ways they themselves determine.
"I'm not interested in a job that limits my freedom and independence. "
I feel successful only when my actions effect some kind of change in society or for the betterment of humankind/ the world.
The overall performance of the project is important for activists, but they are most concerned that their work has the potential to effect real, global and sustainable change. Activists are bothered when they feel a lack the influence or acknowledgement.

Helper colleagues
Helper colleagues feel good in stable positions are ideal when they are working for a good cause, when they're needed, and when they can contribute something to world peace and global change. Helper colleagues are the good souls of an organization, but they also want to get into the task at hand and achieve something.
"I'd like to work at something that would make the world a better place and give me a chance to help people."
„I need financial and professional security in order to support my personal and professional development.“
Helper colleagues are bothered when they feel they lack the influence to effect real change. Lack of acknowledgement for the support they provide weakens them. Changing work environments, uncertain work conditions and chaotic operating procedures are poison for the helper colleague.

Part-time Helpers
Part-time helpers can be found in the service of others or a good cause, although only when work is compatible with private or family life. They want to be involved in world peace and global change as well as to help others.
“Engaging my skills to make thing better for others or for society as a whole is more important to me than job titles or money.”
"I dream of transforming my hobby into a paying job without my personal needs or my family suffering as a result of my professional obligations.“
Part-time helpers are bothered when they feel they lack the influence to effect real change. Lack of acknowledgement for the support they provide weakens them. A lack of compatibility between private life and work life is not acceptable for the part-time helper.