nwh Blog

expert interviews and new work deep dives


Being Agile in Construction

This article is my first venture into my concept of the Transformational Helix. It is the triad for the development of organisations. After all, sustainable change should involve the organization as a whole. However, such a comprehensive transformation can only succeed if various impulses for change take effect simultaneously. In the following lines and the accompanying podcast (german), I’ll show you how.

Launch Event – Wish Frame The Collage Edition

The launch event for the Wish Frame on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 at betahaus Berlin was a complete success. Thanks to the numerous guests, the wonderful catering and the surprise performance by Ain The Machine, it was an evening I will always remember.

The Transformational Helix – How to Achieve Organisational Change

This article is my first venture into my concept of the Transformational Helix. It is the triad for the development of organisations. After all, sustainable change should involve the organization as a whole. However, such a comprehensive transformation can only succeed if various impulses for change take effect simultaneously. In the following lines and the accompanying podcast (german), I’ll show you how.

Changing Education and Integration with an Open Heart – Interview with Anne Kjær Bathel

With the founding of the ReDI School of Digital Integration in 2015, socialpreneur Anne Kjær Bathel is advancing the digital education of refugees and preparing them for the German labor market. Not only do the students grow from this, but Anne is also constantly learning. In this interview, she shares her story and reveals tips for other founders.

Learn metamethod competence

Seeing through the method jungle – a plea for method agnosticism and metamethod competence. In the New Work cosmos, many people think the same way as they do about religion: for them, there is only one God – in other words, only THE one right method. But what happens when it reaches its limits?

Improve your Coronability – virtual trust for teams

This crisis has wounded us. Not only on the outside. It’s on the inside. The work as we know it is over. Our formerly harmonious “something will change” has arrived in the present. At a speed that makes any comfort impossible and unfortunately also leaves us hardly any choice as to which path we want to take. We have to.

A call for European Coworkers

The weekend from October 18th to 20th 2019 has been very special for me and not only because I improved my Portuguese skills, tasted delicious Bacalhau and drank the best Port Wine, the main attraction was of course meeting the amazing people at the Porto Indieworker Bootcamp. It felt so special and I am so thankful for the new connections I was honored to make, that I decided to work on a new project.

Interview episode – How Bastienne brought a niche topic to success

In this episode, I talk to Bastienne about her heart’s desire for nutritional psychology and how she came to this topic. Their story is authentic and clear, no wonder Bastienne is very successful with it. In April 2019 she won the German Podcast Award for her podcast “Ernährungspsychologie leicht gemacht” (Nutritional Psychology Made Easy).

The episode for entrepreneurs: From pitch to launch of your idea. With all the tools and books you need to know.

Entrepreneurship is one of my heart themes. Even if idea volcanoes are difficult to control, the fertile soil near volcanoes is a real blessing for flora, fauna and humans. If you want to use the idea volcano for flourishing business ideas, you need experience and some courage. In this podcast episode, I share with you some important lessons from the New Work Heroes Founder Coaching and of course you also get a powerful tool to try out for yourself; the P.L.A.N. list.

The empirical study on the careerhero typology.

After a few years of working in a professional field, we then come to a point where we can decide to work towards a promotion, questions such as “Do I become a manager?” or for example “Do I become self-employed?”. Of course, part of the work of New Work Heroes is to examine precisely these changes.